Saturday, November 5, 2011

Some Background

For two more months I am a student at the University of Richmond. Let me start off by saying, it is a wonderful school. The academics are high quality and the professors are well educated and willing to help. However, socially it can be a bit of a challenge. Well... at least for a Mormon. I do have friend here, but many prefer to spend their nights partying. I don't know about you but being DD is not my idea of fun.  Hence the desire to transfer schools. Yes, it is of my own volition that I am traveling across the country to start a new life. I am actually really excited! That is, when I am not terrified.

But do not fear, I will not be completely friendless. I have a wonderful boyfriend who goes to school at BYU about an hour away. (For the record he is NOT the reason I am moving) We have been dating since he got off his mission to Finland in July and I am very much in love with him.
Isn't he a cute?!

Utah will be a huge change for me. I grew up in a wonderful ward! But from pre-school to high school I was the only Mormon around. In Utah I will have professors who understand not wanting to watch rated R movies for class projects. (Im sure all non mormons reading this think I am crazy right now) and friend who are mormon. 

But I am also really scared.  I have this pre-conceived notion that Mormons in Utah are different from anywhere else a bit more... well I'm not sure but different. Different in a good way! Im just hoping that I fit in. Well we shall see!

This thursday I will be going to Utah for the second time in my life. Justin is having a military ball and I am his date! Super excited! 


  1. Before I moved up here for school freshman year, I thought the same thing about Utah Mormons. Don't worry. It's not as stereotypical as you think. :) Utah will be gaining another fantastic person soon! I'm excited for you.

  2. Yay Yay Yay! I am so excited for you two!!
